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Historically Private Banking has been an exclusive club catering only the high net worth individuals with liquidity of over millions of dollars , but in the modern society it is possible to open private accounts with fewer hundred thousands .

This directly impacts the decision making & the IT systems of the financial institutions. So there is a need for an application / tool with numerous functions & facilities which acts as dashboard without changing the core system. So Fouress Systems created EXISTS™ an Executive information systems for portfolio management designed to plug in with GLOBUS / TEMENOS T24 or any other banking system.

Temenos Globus / T24 is the worlds leading & most advanced banking systems. Most Banks & financial Institution using Globus T24 usually tend to develop or enhance missing requirements locally.

EXISTS™ works in parallel with GLOBUS DESKTOP:

You can launch Globus Enquiry from EXISTS™ You can Launch Globus version from EXISTS™

How & what it does.

In the management of information systems, a dashboard is an executive information system where user interface that is similar to an automobile's dashboard is designed to be easy to read.

For example, a product might obtain information from the local operating system in a computer, from one or more applications that may be running, and from one or more remote sites on the Web and present it as though it all came from the same source.

This is what Exists exacatly does , it acts as a dash board to Temenos Globus /T24™.

EXISTS™ is a handy tool for account officers, Customer Relationship Manager and Fund Manager which is developed in latest Microsoft Technologies .
EXISTS™ has a built in application that gives complete information of the portfolio in one single screen.
Without any interface Exists allows you to view the portfolio with the latest data on the fly , in real time using Jbase tables.
Thanks to its user friendly & open modular design it can be adapted to the specific requirement of any financial institution.
EXISTS™ can be split into 3 components Summary, DSS & Pval.

Main modules


Summary has a built in application design that collects & summarizes the ASSET ALLOCATION in two dimensions by ASSET TYPE and CURRENCY or by SECTOR and CURRENCY.

Any Summary information can be drilled down to the micro level up to an individual security level.

Summary has multiple summary panel tabs, to analyse and compare with other portfolios.
Summary is fully scalable and it is possible to view either a single or multiple presentation of the following:

  • Portfolio performance summary,
  • Performance by chart,
  • Order Status Book
  • Recent Transaction


Decision Support System

You get immediate adaptability to changes and updates, as well as the ability to lookahead and analyze the effects of those changes on the portfolio.

The ability to perform an impact analysis, quickly and thoroughly, is a key decision-making tool.

The integrated and highly customizable validation system will alert you on the list of deviations, so that the corrective actions can be made by the Portfolio manager.




Portfolio valuation
Global view of the portfolio & generates report

  • PVAL helps you to view portfolio valuation in Detail by ASSET.TYPE and SECTOR
  • Possible to print customised report and export data

For any further information about Exists, please contact us.

EXISTS, GLONEXT & TIPS are the registered trademarks of Fouress systems SA
 TEMENOS GLOBUS, T24,  UniVerse, jBASE, MS SQL Server, Oracle  are the respective trademarks of their companies.